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2 a$=" 7159235 9": 2 ;"If you wish to repeat this 2 ;" PRESS 2 "Invalid Input": 2 to repeat"; 2 to continue" 2 computer.": 2 TO CONTINUE" 1 sophisticated and exciting. 1 p$,n,s,e,w: 1 only a machine 1 intelligent reasoning 1 a;"x";b;"x";c;"=";a*b*c: 1 a$="south" 1 a$="north" 1 a$="Therefore, a child confident with his home computer will be saved formidable barriers later.": 1 a$="Purchase airline tickets.": 1 a$="Pay all your bills via your 1 a$="LEARNING": 1 a$="Keep an itemised record of your telephone calls.": 1 a$="Choose your holidays from 1 a$="Can a Home Computer do the same?": 1 a$="Access vast reference libraries.": 1 a$="ACTIVE": 1 a$="55 151120 17": 1 a$="53 149124 21": 1 a$="3) A Gardening Program.": 1 a$="2) Transfer an address book 1 a$="100148 47 15": 1 a$="1) Transfer recipes onto 1 a$=" 98146 51 19": 1 a$=" 93159 76 9": 1 a$=" 91157 80 13": 1 a$=" 86159 67 9": 1 a$=" 84157 71 13": 1 a$=" 78159 99 9": 1 a$=" 73100 75 40": 1 a$=" 47 79162 9": 1 a$=" 39159169 9": 1 a$=" 37157173 13": 1 _","VAT"," 1 _","NUMBER PLATES"," 1 _","CAR TAX"," 1 _"'''"TOTAL"," 1 ^++F+N![^~ 1 WRONG TRY AGAIN 1 Home Computers = Space Invaders 1 Congratulations 1 But still only a machine ! 1 A.C.L. Program 1 Completed 1 A$=A$+" 3. FOLLOW THE LOADING 1 A$=A$+" 2. REWIND FULLY 1 A$="~What can I do with my Home 1 ;a;"+";b;"=";a+b+2 1 ;,"6795.5O";: 1 ;"When we consider the uses of a Home Computer the first subject that springs to mind is usually 'games'.": 1 ;"What is the capital of England 1 ;"WHAT IS A COMPUTER ?" 1 ;"To be taken over 36 months @ an APR of 2.5%"''"Monthly payments of 1 ;"THE USES OF A HOME"; 1 ;"THE ARCADE GAME": 1 ;"THE ADVENTURE GAME": 1 ;"SCRABBLE 1 ;"One of the first questions you will ask is:": 1 ;"Many people immediately make theassociation:": 1 ;"It has no intrinsic purpose. You decide what its purpose willbe." 1 ;"It depends on you to give it a set of instructions telling it in great detail -"'"a) What to do"'" 1 ;"INVOICE" 1 ;"For the purchase of"''"1 FORD SIERRA 2.3 GL"; 1 ;"FAMILY GAMES": 1 ;"EDUCATION": 1 ;"COMPUTERS IN THE HOME": 1 ;"COMPUTER" 1 ;"COMMUNICATION"; 1 ;"BUSINESS": 1 ;"AND THE FUTURE!" 1 ;"A Computer Education"; 1 ;"2nd GENERATION COMPUTER GAMES": 1 ;"229.63"; 1 ;"1st GENERATION COMPUTER GAMES": 1 ;" CORRECT 1 ;" A.C.L. Mini Adventure 1 :"''"1. Type in 2 then press the 1 29 61 19845 1 0 LIVES 0 HI 1 - complex, ingenious, powerful and fast working."'''" 1 ,,"1O19.33";: 1 ,," 22O.OO";: 1 ,," 3O.OO";: 1 ,"8O64.83": 1 , Totals 550 82 632 " 1 +"etc...": 1 +"5. Turn the kettle on."+ 1 +"4. Plug in the kettle."+ 1 +"3. Turn off the tap when the 1 +"2. Turn on the tap."+ 1 +"1. Place the kettle under the 1 'a;"x";b;"x";c;"=";a*b*c: 1 ''''"The player is participating in astory trying to overcome hazardsand facing a choice of solutionsto outsmart the program." 1 ''''"The best of these games can go on for weeks and even months, without a clear cut way to win!" 1 '''"e.g. Space Invaders 1 '''"e.g. Snooker": 1 '''"We can easily replace a games program with one to analyse 1 '''"They can also link into larger networks to use a wide range of services - "'"e.g. the Home Banking System offered jointly by the Bank of Scotland, the Nottingham 1 '''"These detailed instructions are called a program."''''"Let us look at the first stages of a program to make a cup of tea as an example:": 1 '''"The future uses for home 1 '''"Organise daily deliveries"'''"Make up bills"'''"Monitor stock control and 1 '''"It will respond to your answers,telling you when you are wrong." 1 '''"It will assist in teaching 1 '''"If you want to analyse your 1 '''"If you don't respond in the timeallocated it carries on, 1 '''"Home computers can assist 1 '''"Consumer durables like washing machines, telephones,televisionsetc, save time and effort. They make a practical contribution tothe ease and enjoyment of 1 ''"e.g. The Hobbit": 1 ''"You can locate a listed person by name, part of the address or just a telephone number." 1 ''"Using a home computer is an 1 ''"Type in your answer to the 1 ''"This is only a small part of thestory, but since it can be of interest let's look at the" 1 ''"This can make it much easier to locate various flowers or shrubsthat fit in with a new planting scheme." 1 ''"Think of the classic language study record or tape - the 1 ''"These games fully utilise the computer keyboard."'''"They are more demanding, callingfor 1 ''"The home computer can 1 ''"The computer will wait for the user to enter information.": 1 ''"The computer can help to teach you how to write your own 1 ''"Some of the best known family games are also available in the new 'computerised' form." 1 ''"Some home computers can link into the latest information 1 ''"Since their introduction they have become 1 ''"Many small corner newsagents usehome computers to -" 1 ''"It will follow your instructionsover and over again until you tell it to stop." 1 ''"Further examples:": 1 ''"For adults and children an 1 ''"Enticing accessories have been added to the computer system - PADDLES, JOYSTICKS, SPEECH 1 ''"Enter any three numbers (as you did before, pressing the ENTER key after each number) and the computer will multiply them 1 ''"Children who handle books from an early age grow up to be 1 ''"But your computer is not just a games machine. Its usefulness is by no means that limited.": 1 ''"BASIC PRICE"," 1 ''"A home computer is an excellent teacher for all age groups 1 ''"A home computer can be linked upto a printer, or an electronic typewriter for use as a word processor." 1 ''"A computer is a multi purpose machine able to perform a 1 ''"'Communication' is now a very important word in the computer industry.": 1 '"You can instantly call up 1 '"We often neglect this aspect of home computers by assuming that they have a limited use for 1 '"Users will communicate with eachother through their computers- exchanging programs, informationand ideas down the line." 1 '"These actions are obvious to us but not to the computer. For example, if we neglected to tellthe computer to turn off the tapit would leave it running 1 '"The important thing to remember is that a computer is 1 '"Terms: 30 Days","Date: 30/12/84","Order No:56854","Delivery:A.S.A.P" 1 '"Numerous variations of this typeof game are widely available.": 1 '"Normally they are not as visual as the arcade games. Graphics sometimes appear, but they are only incidental to the drama which is told in words on the screen." 1 '"Mortgage repayments, bills, bankbalances, tax payments etc..." 1 '"It will allow him to quickly identify customers who haven't bought from him for 6 months." 1 '"It simply follows the 1 '"Invoice No.1770","Invoice to:","R.G.Smith & Co","Satex Danford Co17 High Street","Brook Road","Ashford","London","Kent","SW2 3AP" 1 '"In this way he can almost 1 '"Home computers are enabling 1 '"For example:"'"A salesman working from home cankeep his customer records in good order on the family 1 '"Follow these instructions and you will see this illustrated 1 '"B General Education"; 1 '"All secondary schools now teach computer studies, and the 1 "developments that have taken place in this area.": 1 "You will be able to:" 1 "You can go :-"'' 1 "You are in an underground cavernwith stalactites all around 1 "You are in an abandoned under- ground mine with a maze of 1 "You are in a thick densely 1 "You are in a small rural villagesurrounded by green fields.",6 1 "You are in a narrow mountain pass with a cave to the east.",1 1 "You are in a large wood of oak trees with squirrels all around.",8 1 "You are in a huge glacial valleywith ice-capped mountains on either side.",0 1 "You are in a dark cave.",7 1 "You are by a large lake with a small island in the middle and gentle grassy slopes all around.",1 1 "We would need to tell the 1 "Therefore, we can see that a computer has no 'brain'."'"It cannot think for itself in terms of original or creative thought." 1 "There are now over 1 "Then try some numbers of your own. (You must do this five 1 "H.P.Repayments:"; 1 "For example:-"''"The computer is now programmed to think that O+O=2. Therefore when we add numbers together it will always add two to the totaland get the answer wrong." 1 "Computers work at great speed."'''"Once programmed they produce results almost instantly." 1 "A new computer is 'blank'." 1 " pads 2~* 5~ 200 250 37 287 1 ~repeat after me~ style." 1 vegitated oak forest.",0 1 undoubtedly mean the 1 understanding of new 1 types of games." 1 together.": 1 times before you can continue.)" 1 technology is becoming 1 technology for news, traffic andweather reports, recipes etc.": 1 student." 1 spelling, maths, geography, 1 small businesses, often run fromthe home, to benefit from 1 section"; 1 recipes that fit a particular taste or budget."''"Or it can help you devise and check a diet." 1 ratherthan a fast trigger finger." 1 question which follows and then press the ENTER key." 1 programs.": 1 program) and it will happily follow them." 1 principle also applies to 1 passages.",4 1 ordering etc 1 onto computer.": 1 on completing the adventure.": 1 oblivious to your problems." 1 multitude of different tasks." 1 languages and a multitude of other subjects.": 1 kettle is full." 1 invaders you simply give it a new set of instructions (or 1 introduction of shopping by 1 instructions that you give it ina program."''"It will follow these 1 instructions blindly, spelling mistakes and all!" 1 instantly list customers to callon for orders." 1 indefinitely.": 1 increasingly important both now and for the future." 1 ideal way to teach yourself 1 household accounts, rather than play another game of space 1 household accounts -" 1 familiar with them. This 1 everyday life.": 1 computers." 1 computers are open to limitless speculation."''"Cable television will 1 computerisation." 1 computer." 1 computer to :";: 1 computer to 'talk' to you) and even 3-D GLASSES!" 1 computer through the big super- market chains." 1 computer skills." 1 children only." 1 catalogues on floppy disks.": 1 businessmen in:"''"Invoicing"''"Stock control"''"Sales and purchase ledgers" 1 between them they offer well over 1 because it can make learning fun." 1 as the family's needs change. E.g. when the space invader fanatic becomes an 'O' or 'A' level 1 and"'"b) How to go about it." 1 almost caging you in.",7 1 actively encouraging their use in primary schools." 1 Valhalla": 1 TO LOAD PROGRAM 2 1 Software Companies in Britain, and 1 Scramble": 1 Scrabble": 1 SYNTHESIZERS (allowing the 1 Qty Price Vat Total 1 PROCEDURE IN THE MANUAL 1 Go west then south for easy 1 ENTER key."'"3. You will get the answer 1 ENTER key."'"2. Type in 3 then press the 1 Department of Industry is 1 Computer ?~": 1 Building Society and British Telecom's Prestel." 1 Bridge etc" 1 of these various 1 A4 Notepads 100 300 45 345 1 1. TURN THE TAPE OVER